If you wish to contact me by e-mail, please use one of the following e-mail addresses:
Personal | Use this e-mail
address if you wish to contact me personally:
Questions? | If
you are interested in becoming a professional photographer or if you have any questions on
the profession of wildlife photography, please read this page
first before mailing me.
Website | If you have any
questions about the setup of the website, links or awards or if you wish to report a
problem with this website, please use this address:
Sales | Use this e-mail
address if you are interested in using pictures shown on my website for commercial use or
if you would like to buy prints or scans. If you would like to sponsor or advertise on
this site, please also contact me at:
Book reviews | For publishing
companies that would like me to review one or more of their books on this site, please use
this address: